Product Description
Series 96H2 Semi-Adjustable Articulator 1/Each
Series 96H2 Semi-Adjustable Articulator is a non-arcon type (condylar guidances associated with the articulator's lower member), which simulates the multiple functions of the Gleniod Fossa in centric, protrusive and right and left lateral positions. The enclosed track design of the guidance prevents vertical displacement of the condylar element when waxing or making excursive movements with the instrument. Model: 003302-000.
• Semi-Adjustable, Non-Arcon Type Articulator.
• As a non-arcon articulator, it is the most popular teaching and clinical instrument for removable prosthodontics.
• It has enclosed guidances; fixed inter-condylar width of 110mm and lateral adjustments from 0 degrees to 30 degrees and protrusive adjustments from 0 degrees to 75 degrees.
• It accepts a wide range of accessories including the Adjustable Incisal Guide.
• 1 Extension Pin
• 1 standard Incisal Pin
• 1 Standard (Adjustable) Incisal Guide
• 1 Orbitale indicator
• 1 Technique Manual
Auditory pins are mounted on the centric locking mechanism. They insert into the earpieces and secure the Earpiece Facebow to the Articulator; the Facebow simulates the position as mounted on the patient 12mm posterior to the external meatus of the ear and on the same horizontal plane as the condyle. Facia Facebows mount to the Condylar Shafts.